Best Ayurvedic Treatments For Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the human body has the incapability to produce insulin or the cells fail to respond to insulin that is produced or required for the body. This condition is called as Diabetes. This hormone is required to convert sugar, starch and other food into energy.

Ayurveda, diabetes mellitus is known as Madhu meha. Owing to the adverse effect of high blood sugar on nearly every vital organ of the body, diabetes is referred to as ‘maharoga’ or the major disease in Ayurveda.Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes contain herbs that help to lower the blood sugar level by regulating metabolism of
carbohydrates, regulating sugar absorption, stimulating insulin secretion and improving sensitivity to the hormone insulin.                                               Ayurvedic Treatment1


Ayurveda treatment believes in the curing the disease from the root cause,hence cleansing process that is removal of toxins from the body should be done initially which can be successfully done by the Panchakarma process.It is done by Snehan(body oilenation),Swedan(Steam bath),Basti(enema therapy).Enema therapy is compared with the colon thearapy which includes cleansing of the digestive tract and then reorganize the system.

Eugenia Jambolana

The fruit and seeds of Eugenia jambolana could significantly reduce the blood sugar level in diabetics. It stimulates secretion of insulin. It could also reduce the risk of kidney dysfunction in diabetics. Moreover, intake of Eugenic jambolana seed extract helps to accelerate the wound healing process in diabetics.


Herbal remedies of diabetes are used by ayurvedic psicians.Triphala,gokshura,guggul,arjuna,amlaki,turmeric,Shilajit are the most important herbal remedies for treatment of diabetes. Medicines like Chandraprabha vati.Shilajit vati etc is advised most commonly but should be taken under doctors guidance only.


Trigonella foenum or fenugreek seeds help to reduce insulin resistance in diabetes mellitus patients. Clinical trials with fenugreek seed extract suggests that regular consumption of about 1gm of fenugreek seed extracts could significantly reduce the blood glucose level within two months. The hypoglycemic effect of fenugreek seeds is
primarily attributed to the compound diosgenin.

Diet Modification

The first important ayurveda treatment factor to control sugar levels in the body is by healthy diet that is by reducing the intake of rice,sugar that are simple and complex carbohydrates.Reduce the amount of fatty diet and instead have more of fibrous foods like more green leafy vegetables,fruits,bitter fruits,vegetables,orange,lemon,citrous foods etc.