Natural Beauty Tips: Skin Care, Makeup

We are creations of nature. There’s nothing ‘ugly’ among nature’s creations. The judgment of grades of beauty is based on the vision of the viewer. You appear beautiful and radiant only when your inner beauty surfaces. This inner beauty is gained through yoga, meditation and also the use of natural beauty enhancers.

Natural Beauty Tips

Natural Beauty Tips

Your skin is a part of the body in general. It is connected to everything else with an intricate web of vessels, veins, nerves, and tissue. For truly healthy skin, you’ll need a healthy body. That means fresh air, a good quantity of sleep, exercise, and nutrition are very important to achieving and maintaining beautiful skin, but there’s also some natural tips that can help you along the way. Here are a few natural beauty tips that can be used as beauty aids:

No Hands in your Face

Many people have a tendency to touch their face often. This can be a habit that should be broken should you don’t want to encourage the formation of pimples along with other skin problems. Your hands touch all kinds of products that you don’t normally even think twice about and when you’re touching your face, you’re bringing everything dirt, bacteria and more right into contact with your facial skin. You may also irritate the skin if you’re messing together with your face too much. So minimize hand to face skin contact so when you must do it, make sure that you wash your hands first.

Dress Accordingly

It might seem pretty obvious, however the clothes you choose to wear get this amazing effect on the way you look. Choose your colors carefully. Choose colors that flatter your skin color and tone. Use fits that flatter the characteristics of your body that you’re proud of. But stay comfy! Make certain whatever you choose to wear is not too restricting or else comfortable. There’s nothing beautiful about someone who’s restricted, fumbling around or clearly uncomfortable.

Skip a Shampoo

Surprisingly, skipping a shampoo might have some beautiful benefits. Of course, we don’t mean going all week without shampooing – simply skip a wash in some places. If you’re washing your hair day-in and day-out, you’re putting stress on your scalp. Too much shampooing usually will result in dry scalp, dry-looking hair and even dandruff. Not beautiful.

Toss Old Makeup

You shouldn’t have makeup in your bathroom that’s over the age of a year. At some point each year, you need to go through your makeup – get rid of the old stuff and buy brand new ones.

Alcohol in Skin Care

When you’re buying skin care products, ensure that you skip the ones that have plenty of alcohol in them. If you use products which contain a lot of alcohol then you will probably end up drying out your skin which will make your skin appear duller of computer should. So read the labels when you’re shopping and select products that contain little or no alcohol inside them.


Make it a point to exfoliate several times each week to remove the old, dead skin cells. Should you let those skin cells stack up then it can irritate your skin, cause pimples as well as dry out your skin. So get yourself a gentle exfoliating product and some on hand.

No More Flaky Mascara

In case your mascara is flaky then there’s a good chance that it’s old and requires replaced. After each use, ensure that the container is sealed properly to ensure it doesn’t start drying out. It’s never beautiful to possess flaky mascara spotting up your skin.